Bambu shift and and bug
Reported | Fixed |
Issue | X |
The following C code should output 0x100
as b
is just shifted to the right by 8. However, in bambu it outputs 0.
static int b = 0x10000; static volatile short a = 0; int result() { a++; b = (b >> 8) & 0x100; return b; }
We can then generate two different files to run the bug with gcc
and bambu
#include "./bug.c" #include <stdio.h> int main () { int res = result(); printf("checksum = %08X\n", res); return 0; }
#include "./bug.c" int main () { return result(); }
For bambu we also need a test bench in verilog to execute the code:
module testbench; reg clock, reset, start_port; wire done_port; wire [31:0] return_port; main m(.clock(clock), .reset(reset), .start_port(start_port), .done_port(done_port), .return_port(return_port)); always #10 clock = ~clock; initial begin clock = 0; reset = 0; start_port = 0; @(posedge clock) reset = 0; @(posedge clock) reset = 1; start_port = 1; @(posedge clock) start_port = 0; end always @(posedge clock) if (done_port) begin $display("checksum = %h", return_port); $finish; end endmodule
Finally, to reproduce the bug, one can run the following commands.
gcc main_gcc.c -o main_gcc ./main_gcc | tee
checksum = 00000100
bambu main_bambu.c >bambu.log 2>&1 iverilog top.v tb.v -o main_bambu ./main_bambu | tee out.bambu.txt
checksum = 00000000