Issue with for loops affecting the final result

Reported Fixed
Issue X

Considering the following test case, the result b should be equal to 10, because the result of the value assigned to b should be (j + 9) % 23 in each iteration of the loop, which gives 10 for the last iteration.


#include <stdint.h>

int main() {
    int32_t b = 0;
    int32_t a = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) a = 1;
        b = a == 0 ? 0 : ((int64_t)(j + 9)) % 23;
    return b;

However, Bambu seems to return 3 instead. In addition to that, if any of the loops are removed, the result will be correct for Bambu, even though the loops shouldn’t affect the final result.

This was tested in the following version of Bambu:

Version: PandA 0.9.7-dev - Revision 6f2d6eb92cb1507af12248a503ef39990d3d9c23-SROA_TCAD_release

1. Running the testcase

The following script reproduces the result mentioned above.



bambu test.c >bambu.log 2>&1
iverilog top.v tb.v -o top
./top >out.iverilog.txt
result_bambu_hex=$(sed -E -e 's/checksum = ([0-9a-fA-F]+)/\1/' out.iverilog.txt)
result_bambu=$(( 16#$result_bambu_hex ))

gcc test.c -o test

if [[ "$result_bambu" -eq "$result_gcc" ]]; then
    echo "$result_bambu = $result_gcc"
    exit 0
    echo "$result_bambu != $result_gcc"
    exit 1

Using the following testbench.


module testbench;
   reg clock, reset, start_port;
   wire done_port;
   wire [31:0] return_port;

   main m(.clock(clock), .reset(reset), .start_port(start_port), .done_port(done_port), .return_port(return_port));

   always #10 clock = ~clock;

   initial begin
      clock = 0;
      reset = 0;
      start_port = 0;
      @(posedge clock) reset = 0;
      @(posedge clock) reset = 1; start_port = 1;
      @(posedge clock) start_port = 0;

   always @(posedge clock)
     if (done_port) begin
        $display("checksum = %h", return_port);
